Today we will discuss on one more important topic which is directly related to our health and fitness.
Let us know
What is nutrition:
Energy is required for conducting biological functions in the bodies of living beings (including all living beings). This energy is obtained from food.
The ingestion of food (nutrients) by the living organisms (the process of transporting food to the body), digestion, absorption and whole process of disorganized and abandonment of indigestion is called nutrition.
Essential substances are called nutrients for energy production, physical growth and repair of wear and tear.
Types of Nutrients
Our diet should include food that can supply the right amount of nutrients. This type of diet is called a balanced diet.
Every person needs 6 nutrients for energy, tissue maintenance and physical activity. Which includes protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, water and minerals.
Let us know about these in detail:
Protein is a very important nutrient for the nutrition of the body, which everyone should consume.For our body to function well, protein is very important for building muscles and for making and improving our body cells.
Together, protein is also the source of energy of our body. Rich sources of protein include eggs, fish, meats, and beans. Protein provides amino acids to the body.
Our body is in great need of vitamins. If our body is unable to get any vitamin for any reason, then our body can suffer from vitamin-borne diseases.Vitamins are substances that help your body grow. It strengthens your immune system and keeps you away from many diseases.
Most of the vitamins we get from fruits and vegetables.
Minerals are a good nutrition. Some important minerals or minerals are necessary for our body to function properly.It not only corrects metabolic activity of the body but also keeps your health good. Its sources include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish.
Starch or starch in the form of carbohydrates are the major food items found in many foods.Potatoes, sago, rice, whole grains, pasta, bread, maize, etc., are found in sufficient amount of carbohydrates.
By eating it, the body gets energy and it also plays an important role in digestion.
Fat or fat is the main component of our diet and does many functions in the body.It is essential sources include dairy products, meat, seeds, and foods such as nuts and vegetable oils.
Fat is digested into fatty acids, which are used as an energy source.
We also include water in nutrition. About 60 percent of the body is made up of water.Drinking this sufficient H2O helps maintain fluid balance in the body, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulates body temperature and helps digest food.
So never let your body lack water.
What is the usefulness of nutrition
Nutrition is essential for any living, body actions are not possible for this. Just as a vehicle requires fuel, our body needs nutrients. Let us know in detail the requirement of nutrients.
Energy Energy
The various components of energy required to carry out various functions of the body are mainly derived from oxidation of carbohydrates and fats.
Physical repair
Food contributes to the growth of the body and repair of damaged organs and tissues. Yogadan is done to carry out this work in protein, minerals, salts, vitamins etc.
Metabolic control
Food maintains various body parts and animals in proper condition and contributes to control metabolic activities by operating them properly. Vitamins, minerals, salts and water play an important role in this work.
Balanced food enhances immunity in the body. Protein, mineral salts, vitamins etc. are important substances for this work. In this way, food protects the body from diseases.
How much nutrition is needed every day
Normally a human body needs nutrients according to its age and biological functions.
Separate standards have been set for children, pregnant women and adults and according to these standards one should include nutritional elements in their diet.
If we talk about Indians, then the survey of the Government of India also says that nutrition per person should be according to his age.
The 2012 survey provides different nutritional standards for rural and urban areas. However, we are telling you about the nutritional needs mentioned by the nutritionist (dietician).
You can also take nutritional elements according to the needs of the body after consulting a dietitian.
Nutrition needed every day Protein 64 grams of liquids (water, milk and other beverages) 2.5 to 3 liters of fiber 30 grams Vitamin A 900 micrograms Thymine 1.2 mg Riboplevin 1.3 mg Niacin 16 mg Vitamin B6 1.3 mg Vitamin B12 2.4 micrograms Folate 400 micrograms Vitamins C 45 mg calcium 1000 mg iodine 150 microgram iron 8 mg magnesium 400 mg potassium 3800 Mg sodium 460-920 mg jing 14 mg
The following points are considered under nutrition-
After digestion and absorption of food, nutrients flow into the blood, but due to some disorder, the body fibers cannot absorb them.
The level of nutrition from the snack is not appropriate. This condition is called "under-nutrition".
In this type of "malnutrition", one or several nutrients do not remain in the food every day.
Therefore, signs of malnutrition appear in the body. Individuals with "poor nutrition" are weak and underweight, but there is no visible sign of deformity in their body.
There is an essential requirement of two elements for the nutrition of the body. Fuel element and second body-building material, fibrillar and depletion supplement.
The fuel element is required to generate power in the body. Carbohydrates, fats and parts of protein are fuel elements. Besides providing energy, all these fuels also produce heat.
Heat and energy are signs of nutrition. The body parts of living organisms are worn like normal instruments, but they are also repaired simultaneously, if the material to be repaired is present in the food.
The elements from which the body's components are formed from the age of 18 to 20, the body of those elements is replenished and the body also grows. This work is done exclusively by proteins.
Calories are obtained from the fuel element. Although there is a special significance of vitamins and minerals in the present period, the importance of calories for nutrition is also in its place.
The function of the fuel elements is to generate heat in the components, to keep the muscles active and to participate in the higher work of the body (such as the functions of the brain, body, endocrine, gland, kidney, etc.).
There are some activities in the body which also occur in a relaxed and sleepy state. Some of these functions occur involuntarily, such as the production of juice in the intestines, digestion and movement in the heart rate, etc. Some functions are done voluntarily, such as inhalation etc.
For all these works, heat and energy are released from the fuel elements, which can be measured in calories. The physical processes that occur in a calm and relaxed state are called "basal metabolism".
There are many ways to do this
As physical activity increases, digestion also comes in the same proportion and heat calories also increase in the same proportion.
There are some substances whose intake increases the rate of metabolism, but they are not natural substances of human food.
They have an effect on metabolism and then also on nutrition. Metabolism enhancers are tea, coffee, alcohol etc. and reducing opium, hashish, moon, etc.
There are several ways to measure the rate of metabolism. Some instruments are also made for this.
Some simple methods of measuring the base metabolism are also available. The surface area of the body can be easily deduced from the chart of Aub and Bubois. The rate of calories according to area can also be known from another chart.
It varies according to age and gender, which is given in the chart.
Often half of the carbohydrate, fat and protein of the diet provides heat to the body, but neither of them can accept each other.
Carbohydrates are digested in two forms, glucose and glycogen, in the body. Glucose is found in the blood and in the space between cells. It is found in the space between the cells of the components.
It is used in fuel work by the cells of the components. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and from there, glucose is taken up by cells as needed. If man has to fast, then this carbohydrate is available for a short period.
Fat can accumulate in the body under the skin in a large amount and in the abdominal membranes. The thickness of man is a sign of accumulation of fat.
The fat part of the food is only in providing the heat required for every day, but the fat which is more than the daily work is stored in the above treasures. In the state of fasting, the treasure of carbohydrates empties in a few hours, but the treasure of fat keeps providing heat for many days in this state.
Half of the dietary protein per day is often spent as fuel. In an emergency, when the carbohydrates and fats of the body are exhausted, the protein of the muscles dissolves and provides heat.
It is a very interesting thing that the protein of fine ingredients is spent far behind and the protein of ordinary ingredients is spent earlier in a long time.
As far as heat should be obtained for nutrition, it gets from these three food items from daily food and nutrition remains at the right level.
In the fasting period, one food element after another participates in the maintenance of nutrition and as the accumulated elements are depleted, the level of nutrition falls.
After a long fast, weakness, physical impairment and weight loss occur due to these reasons.
The soft tissue of human body is made up of 75% protein. Solid mass, such as bone, is made up of calcium and phosphorus. If the structural elements continue to be given in sufficient quantity to the healthy pregnant mother, then the formation of the baby in the womb is strengthened and the foundation of the body texture is strengthened.
Adequate amount of protein is required to be added to the diet in old life. Generally a human should get 100 grams of protein per day.
This quantity is only to compensate for the depletion of the components. Pregnant woman and growing body should get 50% more protein.
Protein is made up of various amino acids. Not all amino acids are found in all proteins. The human body makes some amino acids from other food elements. These are called ordinary amino acids.
There are 10 amino acids that human body cannot make and it is necessary to get them from diet. These are called "essential amino acids".
The essential amino acids are:
- Lycein
- Tryptophan
- Histidine
- Phenylalanine
- Phenylalanine
- Leucine
- Isoleucine
- Thrinonine
- Threonine
- Valine
Protein of wheat or maize alone is not suitable, but the protein made by mixing the two is somewhat good. The addition of milk makes proteins very suitable.
Vegetarians get protein from vegetable proteins. If milk or milk products are added to it, then there is no shortage in them.
Soybean protein has also proved to be very suitable if there is any difference between animal and vegetative proteins, so that all of the protein is absorbed almost completely, whereas the absorption of botanical proteins is not complete.
Diet should be adequate or protein-rich, essential amino acid protein. Milk and other dairy products are essential for good nutrition.
Egg and milk are the only things in which each ingredient has the power to grow and form. Both of these are made for the growth and development of infants.
Egg albumin and globulin have the ability to form bird bone, flesh and body ulcers. It contains all the essential amino acids. All essential amino acids are also present from meat. Vegetables are lacking in some essential amino acids, but this deficiency can be overcome by eating a variety of vegetables.
Protein-gluten of flour has almost all the essential amino acids, but the amount of lysin is small and a lot of flour has to be eaten to meet the daily requirement of lysine.
Tryptophen is deficient in the corn protein of Zeene, and soybean protein lacks a very small amount of methionine. A mixture of all these provides complete amounts of amino acids.
A male who works lightly needs a 3,000-calorie diet every day. A woman who works equally well, needs a diet of similar calories. Men who work hard need a 4,000 calorie diet.
It is a matter to remember that the food of a 12-year-old boy is equal to that of a young man and a diet of 2,800 - 3,000 calories is good for nutrition for a girl between 14 and 18 years.
A diet of 3,000 - 3,400 calories should be provided for the nutrition of this child.
The ratio of different elements of daily diet is: protein 100 grams (41 calories), fat 100 grams (930 calories) and carbohydrates 400 grams (1,640 calories), total calories is about 3000.
Apart from these, vitamins and minerals are essential for nutrition.
Mineral elements
Sodium chloride increases interest in food and balances the body's water and salts. In its absence, weakness and tiredness are known.
Excess salt causes inflammation. On an average, 8-10 grams are eaten daily. It is obtained from eating salt, milk and vegetables.
0.9 to 1 gram of calcium is required daily for nutrition. This quantity can be obtained from two and a half loaf milk. It is also found in different quantities in vegetable, cereal and non-vegetarian food.
For growing children, pregnant and lactating women, its quantity is about 1.5 grams per day. In its absence bones are not formed properly and Sukhandi disease occurs.
Lack of calcium in the diet of a pregnant and lactating woman can lead to osteomalacia (bones of ostomalecia) by calcifying the bones from the bone.
Its quantity seems less for nutrition. There is no fear of deficiency of 0.88 gram phosphorus sufficient 3,000 calories for a person weighing kilograms.
12 ml of iron is required per day for nutrition. Its quantity increases during pregnancy and milking stage. Its deficiency leads to a type of anemia.
Namely, it is suitable for nutrition. This is very important for thyroid hormone. This hormone deficiency causes dwarfism (cretinism) and myxidoema, a type of edema.
If its quantity in drinking water is reduced then it appears as a distorted esophagus.
Staying vitamin in the diet is necessary for nutrition.
Diet is different in different countries and societies. Diet should be tasty, attractive to look at and well cooked, so that it does not get bored and keep interest.
The amount of carbohydrates may vary according to the country and time. Vegetable produce is very good in hot country. Therefore, the amount of carbohydrates in the food here is special.
In cold countries people especially eat meat and fish. In the icy extreme cold country, the food of the Eskima species is rich in animal fat.
Appropriate carbohydrates can be found in all these foods. Nowadays, due to the ease of transportation, food can be brought from one place to another in the short term.
In advanced countries nutrition is managed in coordination with the opinions of scientists and state governors. In every country, wealthy people buy and eat expensive nutritional items.
The problem is to nourish the general public and poor working people and the solution to this problem depends on the state operators.
Malformations caused by deficiency of various vitamins
Cross - Vitamin - Chemical Name - Deformity with complete deficiency
1 - A - Carotin - Night blindness, wrinkles on eye whitening (Xerophţĥalmia)
2 - B1 - Thiamine or Anurine - Beri-beri
3 - B2 - Riboflavin - Eye redness, wrinkles on the lips, mouth, tongue swelling, dermatitis
4 - B - Pellagra preventing - Pelagra (special skin disease)
5 - B6 - Pyridoxin - Emesis, encephalopathy and diarrhea
6 - B12 — Cyanocobalamin - Special anemia and stenosis
7 - Folic acid - Special anemia
8 - C - ascorbic acid - scurvy
9-D - Calciferol - Sukhandi, Rickets
10 — E - Tocopherol - Decreased masculinity and femininity
11 — P - Rutin - Bloodshed from cells
12-K - Amphentamin - Decreased blood clotting power
The map of nutrition of the people of India in the past is very encouraging. There was no shortage of milk, curd and butter. There was hunting in the forests. The yield of farming was also good according to the population. Everyone got proper diet and nutrition was also good. Nutritional disturbances were caused by population growth and lack of food items.
The burden of essential nutrition is mandatory on the society and the state and through these people can get good nutrition. For example, the nutrition of a pregnant woman depends on the maternal service-house; Infant nutrition is based on Shishu-Seva-Sadan; Similarly, the nutrition of boys and girls going to school depends very much on the industry operators. The state system of the country is in charge of all these care and inspection.
In hot countries, a type of anemia is found due to lack of protein. It is also important to take care of this. There is a deficiency of vitamins and if it is not met by dietary substances, then it can be fulfilled by the consumption of artificial vitamins. Pregnant women need 100 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which can be obtained with a glass of orange juice, or by eating 100 mg of ascorbic acid. All vitamins are required in special amounts during pregnancy. And this can be accomplished through diet or artificial vitamins. Regardless of the condition, they should get all round and balanced food daily.
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ReplyDeleteVery useful information.
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