Monday, April 27, 2020

Mental health


Mental health

                                 Today we will discuss on mental health which plays very vital role in everyone's life.


Mental health describes either the level of cognitive or emotional well-being or the absence of a mental disorder. 

To enjoy a person's life in mental health from the point of view of a positive psychology subject or pluralism.  

There may be harmony between ability and life's activities and attempts to gain psychological flexibility. 

Mental health  If the symbol of a successful adaptation to a wide range of expression of our feelings and demands.

 The World Health Organisation, defining mental health, states that it is "a condition of well-being in which a person realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work beneficially and fruitfully."  And is able to contribute to its society. 

It has been said before that there is no single "official" definition of mental health. Cultural  Differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all influence how "mental health" is defined. 

There are various types of mental health disorders, some of which are common, such as depression and anxiety disorders.  And some are not common, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 

 Most recently, the field of global mental health has emerged which is defined as' an area of ​​study, research and practice that prioritizes improving mental health and the same level of mental health in all people worldwide  Tries to achieve.

Mental health

In the mid-19th century, William Sweetzer was the first to clearly define "mental health" for the first time, which can be seen as a precursor to contemporary approaches to the work of promoting positive mental health.  

Isaac Ray, who was one of the thirteen founders of the American Psychiatric Association, defined mental health as an art form. 

The work to protect the brain against incidents and influences which can its energy, disrupt or destroy the quality or development.

 An important figure for the field of "mental health" was Dorothia Dix (1808–1887), a school teacher who spent her entire life campaigning to help those who suffered from mental illness and those traumatic situations In which these people were kept. 

This was known as the "Mental Hygiene Movement". Before this movement, it was common that people affected by mental illness were 19 years old. 

The century was largely neglected, often left alone in miserable conditions and with barely enough clothing. 

Dix's efforts were so effective that the number of patients in mental health facilities increased. As a result, these patients were not well looked after, as there was a large shortage of staff in these institutions.

 In the early 20th century, Clifford Byers established the National Mental Health Committee and opened the first outpatient mental health clinic in the United States.

 The first psychiatric hospital

 Although the historical beginnings of treatment at genuine psychiatric hospitals are still a matter of controversy, evidence is accumulating that the first authentic psychiatric hospital in the Western world was established in Spain during the 15th century. 

The form describes the earliest of those hospitals, which was opened in 1410 by Father Juan Gilabert Joffre, a Mercederian ascetic and a group of concerned citizens of Valencia. The hospital is still in operation today.


Mental health

 Mental health can be seen as a continuum where a person's mental health may have many different potential values. 

Mental health is generally seen as a positive quality, as a A person can reach increased levels of mental health, even though they do not have any diagnosable mental health status.

This definition of mental health indicates emotional health, the ability to live a full and constructive life, and the flexibility to deal with life's inevitable challenges. 

 Many therapeutic systems and self-help books are available that help mental health of healthy people Suggest a philosophy of methods and strategies to bring additional improvements in welfare. 

 Positive psychology is becoming increasingly important in mental health.

 A holistic model of mental health typically includes concepts that are based on anthropological, educational, mental, religious, and social perspectives, as well as theoretical approaches to personality, social clinical, health, and developmental psychology.

 An example of a wellness model includes a model developed by Myers, Sweeney and Wittmer. 

 It consists of five life tasks - 

  • essence or spirituality
  • work and rest
  • friendship
  • love 
  • self-direction

twelve subtasks

  • sense of utility
  • sense of control
  • realistic belief
  • emotional awareness and coping
  • problem solving creativity
  • humour
  • Emotion
  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • self-care
  • stress management
  • gender identity and cultural identity

all of which are characteristic of healthy functioning and as key components of well-being. 

 These components provide a means of reacting to living conditions that promotes healthy functioning. Most of the US population is not educated on mental health. 

 Lack of mental disorder

 Mental health can also be defined as the absence of a major mental health condition (for example, in one diagnosis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Handbook of Mental Disorders) although recent evidence emerging from positive psychology Suggests that mental health is far ahead of the absence of any mental disorder or illness. 

 Intuitively, mental health refers to the health of a person's mind. 

Therefore social, cultural, physical and educational influences can affect a person's mental health. 

 Cultural and religious views

 Mental health can be socially constructed and socially defined; That is, different businesses, communities, societies and cultures have very different ways of conceptualising their nature and causes, deciding what is mentally healthy (right) and deciding which interventions are appropriate. 

Thus, different professionals will have their own different cultural and religious backgrounds and experiences, which may influence the methodology to be applied during treatment.

 Research suggests that stigma is associated with mental illness. 

In the United Kingdom, the Royal College of Psychiatrists Changing Minds (1998–2003) organized campaigns to reduce this stigma.

 Many mental health professionals have begun to understand, or have understood, the importance of competence in religious diversity and spirituality. 

 The American Psychological Association has clearly stated that religion should be respected. 

 Education in spiritual and religious matters is also required by the American Psychiatrist Association.

Mental health tips


1. Walk Straight:

 In a research, it has been proved that keeping your head high and walking upright improves mood.  Also, by tilting the shoulders, negative thoughts come inside the person.  So walk as straight as you can.

 2. Exercise:

 According to a new research, exercising at least 3 times a week reduces mental stress by 19 percent.  According to researchers, those exercising less stress, while those who are under a lot of stress are those who do not exercise at all.

3. Avoid Stressful Relationships:

 Avoid being in a relationship where your partner does not care about you.  Which disrespect you from time to time.  Because such a relationship can stress you instead of making you happy.

 4. Sleep on time:

 The person gets under stress due to lack of sleep.  Because if you do not sleep properly, your brain does not work properly.  Due to which you become a victim of stress.  Therefore, to stay away from stress, it is important that you get proper sleep.

 5. Take time out for yourself:

 People often become so busy in family, friends and work that they are unable to give themselves time.  Due to which people gradually start coming under stress.  That is why it is important that you take some time for yourself in your busy life and in that time do the work that makes you feel happy.

 6. Keep a distance from the digital device:

 People have become so much addicted to the Internet and digital devices that they have become their world.  While internet is a given boon of science, it has also become a major reason to stress people.  This fact has also been proved in many research.

 7. Do one thing at a time:

 In order to save time in a race-filled life, people often do many things at one time.  Due to focusing on many things at once, none of their work is done properly.  Which causes stress in people.  So do as much work as possible at one time and keep yourself away from stress.


  1. ❤️❤️❤️ you doing a great job

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

  3. Suffering from mental health πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  4. U are doing a great job..
    Focusing on both physical and we'll as mental health..

  5. Great.........information.....πŸ‘Œ

  6. Great work, keep it up keep rocking and writing, all the best


If you have any doubts please let me know.


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