Tuesday, April 21, 2020




                                 Today the topic of our discussion is exercise which is also a essential part of our life to maintain body physic proper.

About -

Exercise is the activity that keeps the body healthy and enhances the overall health of the person.  This is done for many different reasons, including: 

(a) Strengthening the muscles

(b) Strengthening the cardiovascular system

(c) Increasing athletic skills

(d) Weight loss or just for pleasure.  

Constant and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system and it reduces our sleep. It does not hurt us when we wake up in the morning. 

8 Important Things -

(1) Exercise should always be done in the same amount that there is a slight tiredness in the body, but you should not get tired.  Adequate rest after exercise is also necessary.

 (2) Exercise should always be done on empty stomach in the pure air and in the morning only after defecation.  Exercise can be done at least four hours after lunch in the morning if morning is not possible.

 (3) At the time of exercise, the body should have minimum clothes according to the weather.  Clothing should be loose, so as not to interfere with bodily functions.

 (4) Water can be consumed immediately after exercise, but after half an hour something should be eaten.  Drinking lukewarm milk after 15 minutes of exercise is healthy.

 (5) Exercise should always be done with a happy heart and only when there is enough time.  In grief, in anger, in anxiety or in haste, exercising only results in loss.  Therefore, it is advisable not to exercise on such occasions.

 (6) It is best that you go to a park and exercise.  If this is not possible, then exercise should be done on the roof of the house or on the verandah or balcony, where pure air flows.  If this is not possible or you cannot get out due to adverse weather, then exercise can be done in a big room.  Exercise should not be done in front of or below the fan.  It is better to slow down the fan and allow perspiration.

 (7) Exercise should never be done with a jerk.  Even where it is necessary to jerk, there should be a stroke with a rhythm.  Never put excessive force in the body.  It can also cause loss in place of profit.

 (8) It is necessary to exercise regularly.  Doing and never doing does not give full benefit of exercise and there is also the fear of loss.  If you can never do it with exception, then no problem.  But you must exercise at least 5 days a week

Role- In life-garden, the joy of flowers and happiness is shattered only when the body is beautiful, healthy and healthy.  In life struggle, in life journey, one can reach the peaks of success only when the body is full of strength and enthusiasm.  Man has to work hard physically and mentally.  This leads to loss of power. 

Only when it is fulfilled is it possible to reactivate.  The body can be compared to an engine, which executes at the same position when it receives energy.  The body does not become healthy and strong only by eating nutrients, but other means have to be adopted for this and exercise is also a major and essential tool in these means.

Meaning and form of exercise - 

according to the Sanskrit statement - bodhāmādya khalu dharma sādhanam 'means body is the means of all religions. 

 That is, the work that strengthens the body by which the force increases, it is called exercise. It is clear that exercise means those physical activities through which the body remains sick, the strength increases and the brain remains balanced.

There is no one particular form of exercise, but it is advisable to exercise according to the body.  

Age is taken care of in exercise.  Rope jumping, playing a variety of sports, yoga exercises are forms of exercise for children.  

Sports like gymnastics, swimming are also forms of exercise.  Growth and development occur in the body of children at a rapid pace.  

Therefore, through exercise, the body can develop in balanced form.  The bones and muscles of the body of children are more elastic, so they can bend easily.  

Special caution is required in exercises like weight-bearing.  Similarly, running is also a form of exercise for children.  A variety of exercises can be done in puberty.  

Players also need exercise so that they can maintain their body balance.  In this state, all types of sports and exercises, apart from practicing yoga, should be done in such a way that you do not have to do much physical labor.  

Morning travel is the most useful exercise for this stage.


Exercise reduces mental stress and fatigue.  The blood of the body is purified and there is freshness in the whole body.  Exercise is more beneficial if done in an open space or in a park.  The lungs receive a sufficient amount of pure air.  Muscles and bones get strength.  

Body pain and cramps disappear.  Awareness comes in the senses.  The entire body starts functioning in natural condition.  Physical debility and lethargy cease.  In this way, new life is communicated in the body with the effect of exercise.  Older and sick people also begin to experience anxiety within themselves.

Exercises can be of different types.  For old and infirm people, walking in the morning in fast motion can be good exercise.  Children and youth can run or hold a penal meeting.  Cycling, swimming, clubbing, throwing balls, javelin throw (javelin throwing) are various forms of exercise.  

People of different age groups can choose the appropriate form of exercise depending on their convenience and choice.  

Gymnasiums have been established for the convenience of exercisers in cities.  There are many types of equipment to exercise here.  Young people come here in large numbers.

 Exercise is essential for everyone nowadays.  Students can increase their physical and mental capacity through this.  Exercise is the basis of the skill and fitness of the players.  Youth can increase their efficiency through exercise.  

They can prevent the early attack of old age by this.  The importance of exercise is for every person.  There are no other effective ways to avoid the troubles of modern times.


If you have any doubts please let me know.


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